ISBN NO:- 978-93-6175-414-2
The Green Building Concept for Auric District Office City, Aurangabad at Shendra has been
evaluated – Project details for District Office Green Building Auric City. The AURIC Hall
building comprises a building of total 8 floors, including a lower ground floor, ground and five
upper floors, and a terrace floor. The building has a north-south orientation with the main
entrance facing north towards the natural open space and water body located across the 45m
wide ROW. Designed as a Grade A office building, the floor-to-floor heights in the building
are 4.2 meters.
Floorwise general activity distribution of AURIC Hall: Lower Ground floor: Parking,
underground water tanks, building STP, Electrical and Mechanical utility rooms, Drivers
Restrooms and facilities, gas bank, and back-of-house service areas.
Ground floor: Main Atrium, Entrance & Waiting for lobby, display area, cafeteria and
kitchen, auditorium, Bank, Space for AITL’s office spaces, including for the marketing team
& meeting rooms, a stand-alone conference center, leased office spaces for functions like the
registrar & sub-registrar office, Citizen Facility Centre, Pharmacy, and such other uses and the
AURIC’s Integrated Operations center. First Floor, second Floor, third Floor, fourth Floor:
Leased office floors to be developed as a warm
Shell space with finished toilet blocks, pantry and related common facilities. 5th Floors: Offices
of AITL including space for senior management offices, Engineering and allied staff,
consultants’ offices and viewing gallery Terrace: Building Utility spaces, water tanks, Lift
Machine Room, solar panels, viewing area etc. AURIC Hall is intended to be a building.
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