The foundation of pharmaceutical science is pharmaceutics, which includes the ideas and
methods necessary for the creation, research, production, and assessment of drug delivery
systems. This book, “PHARMACEUTICS – THEORY,” provides an in-depth overview of the
theoretical underpinnings of the pharmaceutics subject. The need for pharmaceuticals that are
safe, efficient, and patient-focused is only going to increase in the current dynamic healthcare
environment. This calls for a thorough comprehension of the physicochemical principles
guiding drug delivery systems as well as the procedures employed to guarantee their
effectiveness and quality. Our goal in writing this book is to give pharmaceutical science
professionals, researchers, and students a well-organized, easily-understood reference that
clarifies the concepts and real-world uses of pharmaceutics.
This book’s chapters are carefully designed to address essential subjects such dosage form
design, biopharmaceutics, drug delivery methods, pharmaceutical formulation, and
pharmacokinetics. Every chapter is structured to provide readers with a strong foundation of
knowledge by beginning with fundamental ideas and working their way up to more complex
ideas. This approach accommodates readers who are in different phases of their academic and
professional careers. Our focus is on pharmaceutics from a comprehensive perspective,
combining theoretical understandings with real-world applications gleaned from industry and
regulatory norms. The book also examines new developments in drug delivery technology,
emphasizing how biotechnology, nanotechnology, and personalized medicine will
fundamentally alter the field of pharmaceutics in the future. As editors, we have assembled a
definitive resource that captures the interdisciplinary aspect of pharmaceutics by combining
our combined knowledge and experience from academia, business, and research. We are
grateful to our distinguished writers, whose academic contributions have added depth and
useful advice to every chapter.
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